One of the many reasons we decided to choose a house outside town was Lilah's love for cats. She LOVES cats!!! We cannot have cats in the house because she is allergic and also because Syndey enjoys a close proximity to the feline species - actually, she is obessed! If there is a cat in range, you can bet Sydney is as close as she can get without getting attacked. This is quite annoying for the cat and the people who also live in the house. Anyway, Lilah wanted cats and we told her we could get some cats once we moved to the country. We started with 2 kittens in late July and now...
This is Lilah with her favorite cat, Angel. He is a very sweet boy. He and his sister, Flower, were the first felines to arrive at the farm. There is no picture of Flower because she likes to run and hide every time we get near.
This is Melvin - he was next to arrive. He came to us via our landlords who knew we wanted cats on the property. He was returned to a vet after a family decided he was not the right cat for them. He does not like to be picked up, but does enjoy a rub down of his soft, fluffy fur.
Midnight came to us about 1 1/2 months ago. He is a stray Nate picked up on the road in Iowa Falls. He must have been a house cat because he continues his daily attempts at breaking into the house. We may bring him in at night to help with the mouse problem. He will have to work for his room and board - nothing is free around here!
Mama is a stray that showed up to the house in search of a comfortable place to raise a family. She came to us about 1 1/2 months ago very pregnant. She is a very nice cat and a good mother. She had her 3 kittens about 1 month ago.
Lilah has LOVED watching these little guys grow. For Easter she received a book about cats and the first few pages are dedicated to the birth and growth of kittens. We have read the book several times and followed the growth of our little ones. I think we have 2 boys and a girl, but I am not yet certail about that - they are a little too small to be sure. We are starting to see their personalities as they begin to play and explore their environment.
Lilah has spent every free minute out in the garage with the cats. As the weather turns cold, I wonder how much time she will be outside. Maybe she will rediscover all the toys she has in her room; they have been severely neglected!