Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Big Girl Milestone

Not only did our girl turn 6 this year and start 1st grade, she has now lost her first tooth. We started this journey 6 months ago when the dentist told us that it was slightly loose. We couldn't even tell at that time that it had started to wiggle its way out of her mouth. Sunday night she was having a bed snack and bumped it so much that it hurt. She ate yogurt for breakfast because it still hurt. When I picked Lilah up from school that day she was less one tooth and it was ticked safely in her backpack in a small tooth treasure chest she received from the school nurse. Lilah recounted a story of eating a nugget at lunch and it just simply popping out into her mouth. She was very proud and excited for the tooth fairly to come. However, she did have one concern. She did not want the tooth fairy to take her tooth. We told her that she could write the tooth fairy a note and that she would allow Lilah to keep her tooth and still leave a reward for her bravery. So far no other teeth feel as though they are attempting to escape, but their time will come soon enough.

Labor Day Camping

Over Labor Day weekend we went camping at Beed's Lake with Brian, Barbara, and Micayla McGraw. Brian is one of Nate's assistant coaches and they have become good friends over the last year. Micayla is in 2nd grade so the girls really enjoy playing together. The weather was great so we were able to get out on the water in rented paddle boats and the girls had fun swimming with their dads.

The men took the two girls fishing for an hour one morning - they tried hard, but their were no fish in sight.

We had some nice family time while we were out there. We played bocce ball and had several contests of "the shoot game". This is a game Nate made up (surprise, surprise) based on a Seinfeld episode where Jerry and George shoot ones or twos to see who has to partake in some unfavorable deed. In this game we all sit around - 4 adults and 2 kids - and choose one of two options. The odd persons are out and the majority wins and continues the game. We started out "shooting" either one finger or two fingers, but it quickly got silly with alligators and sharks or covered eyes and covered ears. The last two people left did rock, paper, scissors and the best 2 of 3 won the game. Lilah was very good at this game and soon it became a contest between our two families. It was great fun! Another fun moment was when Nate helped the girls build a stick house. It started out as a way to get the girls out of our hair and turned into the masterpiece you see above. Nate and the girls were very proud! We had the best weekend - it was a great way to end our summer!