Wednesday, January 23, 2008


This experience has brought an overwhelming sense of frustration to our family, but at the same time we have never felt more loved and supported! We are feeling pretty good about the progress we have made in the last 10 days. There is no way we would have made such progress without the love and support of everyone out there who has sent an email or a card or taken the time to say a little prayer. It seems "thank you" is not enough to express our love for you all.

We hope that you all have taken the time to put fire extinguishers within reach and have checked your insurance policies. We hope that our experience can be a learning opportunity for many. Also, please support your local Red Cross. They were on the scene of the fire within 2 hours with financial and emotional support. Of course, we are lucky to have family so close, but for those without family and friends near, the Red Cross is there to act as a much needed surrogate.

SO, thank you VERY VERY VERY (not enough "verys" to match how thankful we are) much for your generosity!

Nicki, Nate, and Lilah
(Sydney & Midnight too)

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